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Interested in integrating leading edge stem cell therapy into your practice and change the outcomes of your pain patients?

Join Dr. Riam Shammaa MD, for this online, CE accredited course on Regenerative Therapy in Musculoskeletal medicine. Add Stem cells and PRP treatments to your practice and be part of leading edge medicine that IS changing lives.

Regenerative Medicine is the future for pain medicine and the results are changing the way doctors like you, are managing pain patients.


Be at the cutting edge of clinical advancement in musculoskeletal medicine.


Learn what regenerative medicine is and how you can easily integrate it in your practice today.


Understand the latest evidence-based research on PRP and Stem cells.


Adding regenerative therapy in your practice requires a strong foundational understanding of:

The regulations in your profession both Legal and Governmental.

Learning about the roles of stem cells in patient care including when to use them.

Understand the concept of PRP engineering and how to apply it to your patients.

Learn about autologous and allogeneic stem cells.

How to transition your knowledge into clinical skills that will benefit your patients.

Acquire new tools to manage OA and chronic low back pain. 

Set yourself and your practice up for leading edge successful results and be part of the

future of medicine!

Regular Pricing

  • Lifetime Access to All Modules
  • All Course Updates
  • Online Office Hours with Dr. Shammaa
  • Videos and Slides
  • Private Facebook group for course participants

What Our Patients Are Saying

Our patients are the best success stories we could ever hope for!

I have been in pain for so long I didn’t even know what it was like to feel normal but I’m thrilled to report that both hips have miraculously returned to normal. No pain, no stiffness, I’m amazed! After one set of PRP shots too, really quite amazing. Thank you Dr. Riam, you have changed my life!

Sandra S.- Toronto

I randomly walked into one of Dr. Riam’s clinics with a very severe and extremely painful double case of hip deterioration that necessitated my hobbling around with 2 canes. Add to that distress, a shoulder that was partially immobile from severe arthritis, which made sleeping a nightmare.  Three weeks after the injections, I disposed of my canes and started walking around normally again, WITHOUT ANY PAIN! Dr. Riam made me a believer in miracles, especially the miracle of stem cells!

Cameron R. - Toronto

” From years of tennis and golf, my knees were so bad I was afraid of walking. I had heard of Dr. Shammaa’s clinic and his treatments and was eager to see if they would work for me. I’m pleased to announce my knees have made a major recovery and after the swelling went down I feel like a new man. The only regret I have is not starting PRP sooner!”
Stewart N- Toronto


     Dr. Shammaa M.D. has worked with professional athlete’s from every sport including 

                        Olympic Athlete’s where he was the head on site Medical Director for the PAN AM games. 

                   He is the lead researcher for the Stem Cell Institute, runs clinical trials to advance

             regenerative medicine and runs multiple clinics where he treats everyday patient’s suffering 

               from pain. He has trained multiple physicians in stem cell therapy and is consider a leader in this field of medicine.



Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be able to add Stem cell treatments to my practice after taking this course?
Yes, this course covers all the foundational knowledge you need to add this treatment to your practice. You will benefit from hands on training which will be offered to you at a discounted rate as a course participant. You will also have ongoing support for troubleshooting within the private Facebook group, for one full year.
What about all the regulations? Can I even do stem cell treatments on patients?
All of the information you need to both understand the regulations and how you can set up your practice to successfully comply with them are in taught in the course.
Can I watch the course at home on my laptop?
This online digital course allows you to watch it anywhere you have interent access. You can use your smart phone, your laptop, your office computer, even your smart tv!
What if I have questions while I'm taking the course?
We offer a forum to ask the instructor via our private facebook group for participants of the course

Understand how to effectively use

Regenerative Medicine in your practice

and start offering drug-free results!